Davis County Estate Planning & Special Needs Guardianship Law Firm Helping Families Prepare for the Future And Minimize Conflict
If you feel anxious about how your family will fare when you pass away, this should inspire you to prioritize estate planning. While you can never know for sure where life will take you, you can feel prepared for just about any situation once you have an estate plan. You can get the peace of mind you deserve by reviewing your estate planning options with skilled lawyers serving Davis County and surrounding areas.
When you hire Able & Strong Law, Inc., you will quickly learn which estate planning strategies can safeguard your assets so your family is financially secure after you pass away. We understand this is particularly important to plan if you have a special needs child, as we have personal and professional experience in this area. So, if you’re ready to get guidance from a trusted Davis County estate planning & guardianship for special needs law firm, call 385-438-8801.

How Can a Davis County Estate Planning Special Needs Trust Lawyer Assist You?
It’s easy to become overwhelmed as you review the estate planning tools available to families like yours. The right ones will depend on the value of your assets and what your goals are when it comes to your future. Experienced lawyers can sit down with you to review your choices and then create a strategy focused on your specific needs.
If you don’t understand the intricacies of wills, trusts, guardianships, and other estate planning documents, it’s highly recommended that you hire a Utah attorney to ensure your plan fully protects your estate. If you have a special needs child, high-value assets, or other unique circumstances, you’ll benefit from having our skilled lawyer review your legal needs before creating an estate plan.
How Will Your Loved One’s Special Needs Affect Your Estate Plan?
Every family can benefit from estate planning, but it’s especially critical for households with disabled children or adults. This is because they often have complex medical needs and are unable to earn an income, so they must rely on important government benefits to pay for necessities.
Of course, these programs don’t cover all the costs your special needs family member will have throughout life, so you may leave them substantial assets when you pass away. However, a sudden increase in money could disqualify them from government benefits. This is why it’s essential for you to carefully plan your estate with the guidance of a lawyer who has experience with special needs planning tools. They can recommend special needs trusts and other options to protect your child’s future.

Did You Recently Become Disabled and Need Legal Guidance?
If your disability is new, you might feel overwhelmed at seeking the help you’re entitled to, so we urge you to contact us for assistance. We will determine which government programs you qualify for and guide you through the application process. From Medicaid and Medicare to Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income, we’re well-versed in applications and appeals to ensure our clients get the assistance they need.
Once you begin receiving benefits, our lawyer will safeguard them through a special needs trust or other estate planning tools for anyone with disabilities. You deserve to know you can continue to receive benefits as needed for years to come, and our team will make sure of that when you approach us for estate planning advice.
What Should You Expect from an Initial Consultation at Our Davis County Law Firm?
When you arrive to discuss your legal needs, we want you to feel comfortable from the minute you come into our office, so you can look forward to being greeted by a friendly team. Our attorney is known for being empathetic and kind, especially when it comes to families with disabled loved ones. Not only does he have years of experience assisting clients with a variety of legal issues, but his brother has special needs, so he knows the challenges your family may be facing.
Our goal is to provide relief from your concerns about your future. When you arrive at our office, we’ll listen as you describe your situation, after which we will begin making recommendations on the legal solutions that would best suit your family. Whether you need estate planning guidance or want to learn which government benefits you’re eligible for, we’re eager to assist you.

Contact Able & Strong Law, Inc. for Estate Planning Assistance
If you have questions about protecting your family’s future, you can rest assured we’re here to help. Call Able & Strong Law, Inc. at 385-438-8801 to schedule an initial consultation with a caring, skilled attorney.
Able & Strong Law, Inc. is conveniently close to I-15 in Bountiful, Utah. We’re right across the street from Bountiful City Park and a 2-minute drive from Bountiful Town Square and JC Park. Our office is only 13 minutes from Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC).
Asked Questions
What’s a special needs trust?
People with disabilities often depend on government programs to pay for their medical care and other basic needs. You might consider leaving them assets in your estate plan so they can afford more than the necessities when you pass away, but this can make them ineligible for benefits. The solution is to put the assets in a special needs trust, as this legal option does not threaten their eligibility for SSI, Medicaid, or similar programs. Most people prefer third-party special needs trusts that parents and other family members can fund, but your lawyer will advise you on the right option for your family.
What if I pass away without a will?
If you die before you create an estate plan, the court system in the Utah county where you reside will be in charge of how your assets are distributed. In most cases, your assets will go to your spouse if you’re married or your children if you’re unmarried. Even more importantly, if you have minor children and didn’t make a will appointing a guardian, the court will decide on this matter. If you don’t want the Davis County, Salt Lake County, or other Utah county court system making important decisions on your behalf, you need a will.
Do I need a will or a trust?
There’s no need to decide between a will and a trust, as many estate plans feature both. This is because they have unique purposes. A will has instructions on who gets which assets and who gets guardianship of your minor children. However, wills must go through probate, which you can avoid by also having a trust. Any assets you transfer to your trust will bypass probate so your heirs get the assets faster and with fewer legal fees. Contact our law firm for help making a will and a trust for your estate plan.
Can I change my trust during my lifetime?
You may be able to alter your trust, depending on the type you establish. A revocable trust lets you appoint yourself as the trustee, giving you the power to transfer assets into or out of the trust and add or remove beneficiaries. If you make an irrevocable trust, you must appoint a trustee other than yourself so you can’t make changes. However, you’ll get other benefits, like lower taxes and protection from creditors. A Utah attorney will help you determine which type of trust to make.
What is probate?
There might come a time when you’re unable to communicate your healthcare wishes to a doctor, whether due to dementia, a coma, or any other reason for incapacitation. You can prepare for this possibility by giving a trusted person power of attorney over you. This means they can make healthcare decisions on your behalf when you’re no longer able to. A power of attorney is part of an advance healthcare directive, which lists the treatments you approve and disapprove of regarding your medical care. Our lawyer can help you create this legal document.
What’s the difference between a guardian and a conservator?
If you’re worried about a family member’s ability to make sound decisions, you might be considering ways to step in and do it for them. If you want to make decisions that affect all areas of their life, including housing and education, you should consider becoming a guardian. On the other hand, if you’re primarily worried about how they’re handling the assets in their estate, you can petition to become their conservator to ensure they don’t lose them. An estate planning lawyer will help you with this.
Are a last will and a living will the same?
Last wills and living wills both have their place in an estate plan, but they have unique purposes. A last will and testament is a document you can draft to clarify which family members get your assets and who gets guardianship of your minor children. However, a living will is part of an advance healthcare directive, as this document explains which healthcare treatments you do and don’t feel comfortable with if you’re too incapacitated to talk to your doctors.